
Notice of AGM 2022

This is a notice of the AGM for 2022. To view the notice, please click the link below. The notice will then open in a new tab. AGM-Notice-of-Meeting-2022

Telemex mobile apps go live

Telemex mobile app is now available for Android and iOS. You can now place your water orders via the Telemex Smart Irrigation mobile app. To find the app go to either your Google Play Store or Apple App Store. To find in the Google Play Store search for Tyeware, to...

Tyeware Telemex Demand Management System

As of the 1st July 2021 Pioneer Valley Water has transfered its demand management to Tyeware's Telemex Smart Irrigation System. This new system allows allocation holders to better monitor their water usage and place water orders via a web portal. Benefits of the new...